Our flocculants

Separate any waste product from your water

We have a wide range of flocculants which can be grouped as follows:

Cationic flocculants:

  • Solids (Various loads, molecular weights and structure)
  • Emulsion (Various loads, molecular weights and structure)

Anionic flocculants:

  • Solids (Various loads, molecular weights
  • Emulsion (Various loads, molecular weights)

Non-ionic flocculants:

  • Solids (Various molecular weights)
  • Emulsion (Various molecular weights)

In addition, if your company has special needs our R&D laboratory will make a flocculant to measure, or indeed any other wastewater treatment product you may need.

What are flocculants?

Flocculation is the process whereby destabilized particles agglomerate into micro-floccules and then into bigger floccules. The objective is to accelerate the separation of water from solids following a process of coagulation.

In this video you can see a video which shows the coagulation and flocculation process: